A colposcopy is a diagnostic test using a special microscope to look at the cervix and the use of special solutions which will highlight abnormal areas. A biopsy can be performed if needed and treatment then planned. In the UK, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP) are the regulatory bodies which certify healthcare professionals to perform colposcopy.
If CIN is diagnosed, Mr Razvi will be able to advice an appropriate treatment based on the clinical situation and your personal requirements.
To find out more, please visit Essex Colposcopy website.

Mr Razvi is accreditated by the RCOG and BSCCP and has over 20 years of experience as a colposcopist and is the leads the colposcopy service in his NHS work. He provides all the treatments associated with colposcopy including biopsies, Loop excision of the cervix, Cone Biopsy as well as management of cervical cancer (as a cancer surgeon).
He has extensive experience of management of precancerous skin conditions, warts and other skin changes in the vagina, vulva and anal area and provides colposcopy examination of these areas as well. He has been trained in the use of various techniques to remove these lesions in these areas including the laser.
He will also be able to advice and counsel women on the suitability for HPV testing, vaccination and other management options in the strictest confidence.
The smear test or PAP smear
All eligible women between the ages of 25 and 65 are covered under the NHS Cervical Screening Programme (http://www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/cervical/).
This has shown a remarkable decrease in the incidence of women afflicted with Cervical Cancer in the UK.
However, a small percentage of women will have abnormal smear tests or be told that there a pre-cancerous changes in their smears. Smear tests are also now able to detect the presence of the HPV virus which is known to be a risk factor for cervical cancer.
A cervical smear is a screening test which highlights the possibility of a problem on the cervix. Women with an abnormal smear or other changes on the cervix are then referred for a Colposcopy.