Publications & Research
Journal Publications
Book Chapters
Conference Papers/Publications
Khalil has been active in research for 2 decades and has published in many prestigious journals including the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Lancet, Molecular Human Reproduction and Gynaecological Oncology. He has peer reviewed articles for the British Medical Journal, NICE and the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. His main research interests currently is in the field of molecular diagnostics of ovarian cancer for which he is a co-inventor in an international patent. He has lectured widely across the globe and also examines in MBBS and post-graduate examinations.
1. Mahyuddin AP, Liu L, Zhao C, Kothandaraman N, Salto-Tellez M, Pang B, Lim D, Annamalai L, Chan J, Lim T, Biswas A, Rice G, Razvi K, Choolani M. Diagnostic accuracy of haptoglobin within ovarian cyst fluid as a potential point-of-care test for epithelial ovarian cancer: an observational study. BJOG. 2018 Mar;125(4):421-431. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.14835. Epub 2017 Sep 4.
2. Mukhopadhyay D, Razvi K. Enhanced Recovery programme in Gynaecology: outcomes of a hysterectomy care pathway. BMJ Qual Improv Report 2015 4: doi: 10.1136/bmjquality.u206142.w2524.
3. Gajjar K, Robati S, Packer G, Razvi K. Surgical approach to a vulval-pubic cartilaginous cyst: a case report and review of published work. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2013 Jul 2.
4. Gajjar K, Ogden G, Mujahid MI, Razvi K. Symptoms and Risk Factors of Ovarian Cancer: A Survey in Primary Care. ISRN Obstet Gynecol 2012;2012 754197.
5. Toneva F, Wright H, Razvi K. Accuracy of frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumours. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2012 Jul;32(5):479-82.
doi: 10.3109/01443615.2012.683212.
6. Ahmed E, Sah SP, Adikesavalu A, Madhavan K, Razvi K. Unusual collision tumour of ovary: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma and teratoma. Clinical Ovarian Cancer 2012 June; 5(1): 33-36.
7. Lanceley A, Eagle Z, Ogden G, Gessler S, Razvi K, Ledermann JA, Side L. Family history and women with ovarian cancer: Is it asked and does it matter? An Observational Study. Int J Gynae Cancer 2012 Feb; 22(2):254-9.
8. Robati S, Razvi K, Madhavan K, Gajjar K. Paraneoplastic vasculitis with digital necrosis: a rare presentation of advanced ovarian cancer. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012 Sep;286(3):813-4. doi: 10.1007/s00404-012-2326-2. Epub 2012 Apr 18.
9. Koh CL, Chan YH, Razvi K, Narasimhan K, Ilancheran A, Low JJ, Choolani and the Ovarian Cancer Research Consortium of South East Asia. The association with age, human tissue kallikreins 6 and 10 and haemostatic markers for survival outcome from epithelial ovarian cancer. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2011 Jul; 284(1):183-90.
10. Kothandaraman N, Bajic VB, Brendan PN, Huak CY, Keow PB, Razvi K, Salto-Tellez M, Choolani M. E2F5 status significantly improves malignancy diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer. BMC Cancer. 2010 Feb 24; 10:64.
11. Ram M, Abdulla A, Razvi K, Pandeva I, Al-Nafussi A. Cystadenomafibroma of the rete ovarii: A case report with review of literature. Rare Tumors. 2009 Jul 22; 1(1):e24.
12. Tan TZ, Quek C, Ng GS, Razvi K. Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis with Complementary Learning Fuzzy Neural Network. Art Intell Med 2008 Jul; 43(3):207-22. Epub 2008 Jun 9.
13. Choolani M, Ho SSY, Razvi K, Ponnusamy S, Baig S, Fisk NM, Biswas and the Rapid Molecular Testing in Prenatal Diagnosis Group. FastFISH: technique for ultrarapid fluorescence in situ hybridization on uncultured amniocytes yielding results within 2 h of amniocentesis. Mol Hum Reprod. 2007 Jun; 13(6):355-9. Epub 2007 Apr 12.
14. SCL Koh, Razvi K, A Ilancheran, M Choolani. The association between fibrinogen,
von Willebrand Factor, antithrombin III and D-dimer levels and survival outcome by 36months from ovarian cancer. Clin Appl Thrombosis/Hemostasis 2006; 12(1):3-8.
15. Tsahalina E, Razvi K, Alkatib M, Shaw C, Chun LY, Barton DPJ. Early enteral feeding following major abdominal surgery for recurrent gynaecological cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol 2006; 26(5):457-61.
16. Lim K, Lu J, Wynne C, Back M, Mukherjee R, Razvi K, Shakespeare T. A study of complications arising from different methods of anesthesia used in High-dose-rate Brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Am J Clin Oncol 2004; 27(5):449-51.
17. Kew CCY, Putti T, Razvi K. Malignant mesenchymoma arising from a uterine leiomyoma in the menopause. Gynecol Oncol 2004; 95(3):712-715.
18. Condous GS, Arulkumaran S, Symonds I, Chapman R, Sinha A, Razvi K. The “Tamponade Test” in the management of massive postpartum haemorrhage. Obstet Gynecol 2003; 101: 767-732.
19. Razvi K, Al-Katib M, McCall J, Barton DP. Suprarenal vena caval thrombosis and pulmonary embolism associated with a benign ovarian cyst. J Obstet Gynaecol 2002; 22(6): 697-8.
20. Koh SCL, Tham KF, Razvi K, Oei PL, Lim FK, Roy AC, Prasad RNV. Hemostatic and Fibrinolytic status in patients with ovarian cancer and benign ovarian cysts: Could D-dimer and antithrombin III levels be included as prognostic markers for survival outcome? Clin Appl Thrombosis/Hemostasis 2001; 7(2):141-8.
21. Strachan BK, van Wijngaarden WJ, Sahota D, Chang A, James DK, Khalil S, Arulkumaran S, Farrell T, Mires G, Engelsbel S, Van Geijn H. Cardiotocography only versus cardiotocography plus PR-interval analysis in intrapartum surveillance: a randomised, multicentre trial. Lancet, 2000; 355:456-9.
22. Chua SPK, Razvi K, Yeong SM, Arulkumaran S. Intrapartum fetal oxygen saturation monitoring in a busy labour ward. Eur J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 82(2):185-9.
23. Razvi K, Sonoda K, Lee YS, Tham KF, Lim FK, Yong EL. A preliminary study of the immunohistochemical detection of a novel tumour marker, 22-1-1 Antigen, in gynaecological cancer specimens. Ann Acad Med Sing 1999; 28:392-4.
24. Razvi K, Chew S, Yong EL, Kumar J, Ng SC. Clinical management of male infertility. Sing Med J 1999; 40(2):291-7.
25. Loh FH, Khalil R, Arulkumaran S. Ruptured endometriotic cyst in pregnancy treated by laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy: a case report. Sing Med J 1999.
26. Yam J, Chua S, Razvi K, Arulkumaran S. Evaluation of a new portable system for cord lactate determination. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1998; 45:29-31.
27. Razvi K, Ong CL, Chua S, Chia YT, Ratnam SS, Arulkumaran S. Necrotizing fasciitis originating from a vulval abscess: a case report. Sing Med J 1998; 39(5):226-8.
28. Malcus P, Razvi K, Arulkumaran S, Ratnam SS. Fetal breathing recorded by actocardiogram and real-time ultrasonography. A comparison. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1997; 76:33-7.
29. Chua S, Razvi K, Tay R, Wong MT, Arulkumaran S. Is there a need to treat hypokalemia associated with intravenous salbutamol infusion? J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1997; 23(4):381-7.
30. Chua S, Yeong SM, Razvi K, Arulkumaran S. Fetal oxygen saturation in labour. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1997; 104:1080-3.
31. Chan C, Razvi K, Tham KF, Arulkumaran S. The use of a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube to control post-partum hemorrhage. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1997; 58(2):251.
32. Lim FK, Razvi K, Ling YK, Chong A, Tham KF, Ratnam SS. Mild cervical atypia: a management dilemma. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1996; 36(4):437.
33. Tham KF, Razvi K, Ratnam SS. Recent Trends in the Management of Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia. Sing J Obstet Gynaecol 1996; 27(3): 9-18.
34. Razvi K, Chua S, Arulkumaran S, Ratnam SS. A comparison between visual estimation and laboratory determination of blood loss during the third stage of labour. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1996; 36(2):152-4.
35. Tham KF, Razvi K, Ratnam SS. Recent Trends in the Management of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia. Sing J Obstet Gynaecol 1996; 27(3):9-18.
36. Lim FK, Razvi K, Tham KF, Ratnam SS. Current approach to the management of urinary stress incontinence. Sing Med J 1995; 36:532-7.
1. Razvi K, Arulkumaran S. Prolonged second stage of labour. In: Ratnam SS, Arulkumaran S, Sen DK ed. Problem-oriented approach to Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 1st Edition. Singapore. Oxford University Press 1997; 123-5.
2. Razvi K, Shepherd JH. Gynaecological Malignancy in childhood and adolescence. In: Sturdee D, Olah K, and Keane D ed. The Yearbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 9. RCOG Press 2001; 157-169.
3. Razvi K, Tham KF. Premalignant and malignant disease of the Vulva. In: Arulkumaran S, Bhasker Rao ed. Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Postgraduates Volume 3. Orient Longman, 2003.
4. Razvi K, Blake P. Cancer of the endometrium, cervix, vulva and vagina. In: Gore M & Russell D eds. Cancer in Primary Care, 1st Edn. Martin Dunitz 2003; 165 – 180. ISBN: 1901865266.
Over 60 conference publications and presentations as well as many invited lectures and presentations.
1. Razvi K, Chua CPK, Arulkumaran S, Ratnam SS. Assessment of blood loss at delivery and the diagnosis of postpartum haemorrhage: results of a prospective study. Paper presented at the Second Singapore Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Singapore, September 1995.
2. Malcus P, Razvi K, Arulkumaran S. Can the actogram be used to evaluate fetal breathing with accuracy? Paper presented at the Asian and Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Bali, Indonesia, in October 1995.
3. Razvi K, Lim FK, Tham KF, Ratnam SS. The significance of mild cervical squamous atypia: an indication for immediate colposcopic referral? Paper presented at the Singapore Malaysia Congress of Medicine in August 1996 in Singapore.
4. Razvi K, Chua CPK, Yeong SM, Arulkumaran S. Fetal oxygen saturation in labour. Paper presented at the 8th Malaysian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Johore Bahru, Malaysia on 21st June 1997.
5. Razvi K, Ratnam SS. Malignant germ cell tumours of the ovary. Paper presented at the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists International Congress in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 5th Sept 1997.
6. Razvi K, Ratnam SS. Ovarian germ cell tumours. Paper presented at the Federation of Obstetrical and Gynaecological Societies of India Annual Meeting on 27th December 1997.
7. Razvi K, Chua CPK, Yeong SM, Arulkumaran S. The practicalities of intrapartum fetal oxygen saturation monitoring in a busy labour ward. Paper presented at the XVIth Asian and Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 18th June 1998.
8. Stephen CL Koh, KF Tham, K Razvi, FK Lim, PL Oei, SS Ratnam. Preliminary study of uPAR and plasminogen activators and inhibitors in tissues from benign and ovarian cancer. Abstract. Third Singapore Congress in O&G 17-21 July 1998, Singapore.
9. Chua S, Razvi K, Tay R, Wong MT, Arulkumaran S. Is there a need to treat hypokalemia associated with intravenous salbutamol infusion? J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1997; 23(4):381-7
10. Razvi K, Ratnam SS. The breast and the gynaecologist. Paper presented at the XVIth Asian and Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 15th June 1998.
11. Razvi K, Sonoda K, Lim FK, Lee YS, Tham KF, Yong EL. Immunohistochemical detection of a novel tumour marker, 22-1-1 Antigen, in gynaecological cancer specimens. Paper presented at the 32nd Singapore Malaysia Congress of Medicine in Singapore, 13th – 16th August 1998.
12. Koh SCL, Tham KF, Razvi K, Lim FK, Oei PL, Ratnam SS. Preliminary study of uPAR and plasminogen activators and inhibitors in tissues from benign and ovarian cancer. Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 1998; 12(1):14. 14th Int Congress on Fibrinolysis & Thrombolysis 22-26 June 1998, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
13. Koh SCL, Tham KF, Razvi K, Lim FK, Oei PL, Chua SE, Yuen WK , Ng BL. Coagulation and fibrinolysis in patients with advanced ovarian cancer compared to those with benign ovarian cysts. Abstract 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Singapore Society of Haematology 24 July 1999 (19th Annual Combined Scientific Meeting 24-25 July 1999), Singapore.
14. Koh SCL, Tham KF, Razvi K, Lim FK, Oei PL, Ratnam SS, Chua SE, Yuen WK, Ng BL. Coagulation, plasminogen activators and inhibitors in patients with advanced ovarian cancer and benign ovarian cysts. Thromb Haemostasis Abstract 531 1999, XVIIth Congress of the International Society for Thrombosis & Haemostasis 14-21 Aug 1999, Washington DC, USA.
15. Koh SCL, Tham KF, Razvi K, Lim FK, Oei PL, Ratnam SS, Chua SE, Yuen WK, Ng BL. Fibrinolytic proteins and inhibitors in ovarian cancer tissues compared with benign ovarian cysts. Thromb Haemostasis (Aug suppl) Abstract 532, 1999, XVIIth Congress of the International Society for Thrombosis & Haemostasis 14-21 Aug 1999, Washington DC, USA.
16. Ojuawo A, Mould TAJ, Razvi K, Lowe DH, Jacobs IJ. Accuracy of frozen section in gynaecological cancer specimens. Paper presented at the British Gynaecological Cancer Meeting in London, UK in October 1999.
17. Barton DPJ, Woolas RP, Chan F, Y-C Lee, Razvi K, Alkatib M. Enteral feeding following major surgery in gynaecological cancer patients. Paper presented at the International Gynaecological Cancer Society Congress in Rome from 26-30 September 1999.
18. Shepherd JH, Razvi K. Paediatric Gynaecological malignancy. Paper presented at the European Congress in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynecology held in Greece on 10th December, 1999.
19. Koh SCL, Tham KF, Razvi K, Oei PL, Lim FK, Chua SE, Yuen WK, Ng BL, Roy AC, Prasad RNV. Enhanced fibrinolysis and thrombin generation in ovarian cancer patients with than without metastasis. XVth Int Congress on Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 25-29 June 2000, Hamamatsu, Japan. Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 14 (suppl 1) June 2000 Abstract O-97
20. Razvi K, Selo-Ojeme D, Lowe D, Nasir N, Blake PM, Gore ME, Barton DPJ, Shepherd JH. Management of malignant melanoma of the vagina: A report of 15 cases. XVI FIGO World Congress, Sept. 3-8, Washington, USA. P3.20.01. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2000; 70 Suppl 1: 151.
21. Razvi K, Koh SCL, Lim FK, Ilancheran A. Pre-operative Antithrombin III and D-dimer levels are independent risk factors for survival beyond 36 months for patients with ovarian cancer. 16th International Conference of the International Society for Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis in Munich, 8 – 13th September, 2002.
22. Renz C, Rajapakse J, Koh SCL, Razvi K. Ovarian cancer classification with missing data. Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, November 2002, pp. 809-813.
23. Razvi K, Koh SCL, Lim FK, Ilancheran A, Chua SE, Yuen WK, Ng BL, Loganath A, Choolani M. Plasminogen activators, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and D-dimer levels in gynaecological cancer. The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis XIX Congress, 12-18 July 2003, Birmingham UK, Abstract no. P1369.
24. Khoo MJ, Chiu LL, Razvi K, Koay ESC. Validation of a DNA chip assay for identification and speciation of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) in endocervical swabs. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 5(4): 272 (Abstract 16). Paper presented at the 6th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of Molecular Pathology, 12 – 14 November 2003, Miami, Florida, USA.
25. Su LL, Choolani MA, Ponnusamy S, Narasimhan K, Razvi K, Chia DAK, Biswas A. Ultrarapid prenatal diagnosis by Amnio PCR and Amnio FISH: Routine Testing for Trisomy 21, but targeted testing for Trisomies 13 and 18. Singapore Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 35 (1), 11 March 2004. Paper presented at First International Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), 11 – 14 March 2004, Singapore.
26. Razvi K, Choolani M, Lim FK, Ilancheran A, Chua SE, Yuen WK, Ng BL, Koh SCL. The association between plasminogen activator inhibtor-1, urokinase-like plasminogen activator and receptor levels with survival outcome in ovarian cancer. Abstract: XVIIth International Congress on Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis 21-25 March 2004, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
27. Williams J, Biswas A, Choolani M, Razvi K. Pre-operative prediction of ovarian cancer – the risk of malignancy index compared with a modified tumour index using Doppler flow sonography in an Asian population. Paper presented at First International Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), 11 – 14 March 2004, Singapore.
28. Koh SCL, Razvi K, Lim FK, Ilancheran A, Choolani M. Antithrombin III and D-dimer levels as haemostatic markers for disease outcome at 36 months from ovarian cancer. Abstract: (oral presentation) The Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Thrombosis and Hemostasis 14-16 October, 2004, Plaza Athenee Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
29. Kothandaraman N, Bajic VB, Loganath A, Koh SCL, Ng J, Choolani M, Razvi K. Early detection of epithelial ovarian cancer using a proteomic-based protein profiling approach combined with a novel selection strategy. National Healthcare Group Annual Scientific Congress, 11-12 October 2004, Singapore.
Best Oral Presentation Award
30. Stephen KCL, Khalil R, Choolani M, Ilancheran A. Systemic prognostic haemostatic marker levels for disease outcome within five years from ovarian cancer diagnosis. Paper presented at the XX International Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 6 – 12 August, 2005, Sydney Convention Centre, Australia. Abstract P1314.
31. Khalil R, Stephen KCL, Choolani M, Ilancheran A. Systemic pre-operative haemostatic marker levels and their association with disease outcome from uterine cervix and endometrial cancers within 2 years of diagnosis. Paper presented at the XX International Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 6 – 12 August, 2005, Sydney Convention Centre, Australia. Abstract P1597.
32. Narasimhan K, Bajic VB, Pang NKB, Peh BK, Salto-Tellez M, Razvi K., Ilancheran A,
Choolani M. Regulatory genes identified using a combination of genomics and proteomics approaches for the malignancy status of epithelial ovarian cancer and their potential role as biomarkers for early detection. 7th International Conference on Ovarian Cancer.
November 29 – December 2, 2006. Marriott Medical Center – Houston, Texas. Conf. #0336.
Book Prize Award
33.Ng GS, Quek HC, Koh CL Stephen, M Choolani, Razvi K. Ovarian cancer prognosis
by haemostasis and complementary learning. Int Conf on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2006 Oct 3-6, Hong Kong.
34. N Kothandaraman, VB Bajic L Annamalai, S Koh, Razvi K, I Arunachalam and Choolani M. Abstract: ‘Development and validation of serum and plasma protein fingerprints for early diagnosis for epithelial ovarian cancer over a three time period’. 6th Singapore Congress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 21-25 March 2007, Singapore.
35. Razvi K, Koh SCL, Loganath A, Narasimhan K, Ilancheran A, Choolani M. Human tissue Kallikreins, HK 6 & HK 10 as novel biomarkers for epithelial ovarian cancer. Paper presented at the XXIth International Society for Thrombosis & Haemostasis meeting, 6 – 12 July 2007, Geneva, Switzerland.
36. Barton DPJ, Razvi K, Tsahalina E, Shepherd JH, Bridges JE, Ind TEJ. Surgical
management of Bowel Obstruction in Irradiated Gynaecological Cancer Patients. Control No 663. Society of Gynecologic Oncologists 39th Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer, Tampa, Florida, USA 2008.
37. Narasimhan K, Bajic V, Razvi K, Koh SCL, Tellez MS, Pang B, Chan YH, Ilancheran A, Low J, Biswas A, Choolani M. Activation of cell proliferation inhibiting transcription factor E2F5 in serum and tissues: An indicator for malignancy for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. 1st Ovarian Cancer Action International Conference, 7-8 March 2008, London, UK.
38. Narasimhan K, Bajic V, Razvi K, Koh SCL, Loganath A, Low J, Su LL, Biswas A, Choolani M. Serum SELDI protein profiling for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer diagnosis: Effect of machine conditions and sample storage on quality of results. 1st Ovarian Cancer Action International Conference, 7-8 March 2008, London, UK.
39. Narasimhan K, Changqing Z, Biswas S, Razvi K, Koh SCL, Loganath A, Low J, Biswas A, Choolani M. Effect of Serum Haptoglobin Level on Survival in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. 1st Ovarian Cancer Action International Conference, 7-8 March 2008, London, UK.
40. Narasimhan K, Basheer C, Shivarajan K, Meihui Y, Liu L, Razvi K, Koh SCL, Low J, Biswas A, Lee HK, Choolani M. Determination and profiling estrogen metabolites and endocrine disruptors in ovarian tumour tissue and cyst fluid samples. 1st Ovarian Cancer Action International Conference, 7-8 March 2008, London, UK.
41. Narasimhan K, Bajic V, Koh S, Razvi K, Arunachalam I, Choolani M. Serum and plasma protein fingerprints for early detection of epithelial ovarian cancer: Potential utility and limitations. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
42. Narasimhan K, Zhao C, Annamalai L, Razvi K, Koh S, Low J, Biswas A, Choolani M. Effect of serum haptoglobin level on survival in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
43. Narasimhan K, Chanbasha B, Shivarajan K, Yin M, Lin L, Koh S, Razvi K, Lee HK, Choolani M. Profiling endocrine disruptors in ovarian benign and malignant tissues and cyst fluid samples. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
44. Narasimhan N, Bajic V, Razvi K, Koh S, Salto Tellez M, Pang B, Chan YH, Ilancheran A, Low J, Biswas A, Choolani M. Up-regulation of cell cycle gene E2F5 in tumour tissues and patient serum: A potential marker for malignancy for epithelial ovarian cancer. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
45. Szymczyk G, Zeidman A, Singh M, Atkinson P, Chappell M, Razvi K. Accuracy of frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumours. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
46. Ngu S, Harvey C, Aung S, Aggarwal V, Razvi K. Optimization of blood usage in gynaecological oncology surgery. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
47. Singh M, Aggarwal V, Eleti A, Perera S, Razvi K. Sonomorphological criteria and carcinoma of endometrium in women with post menopausal bleeding. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
48. Szymczyk G, Ngu S, Madhavan K, Sarwar N, Singh M, Pocock T, Razvi K. Surgical outcomes in women undergoing surgery for ovarian malignancies. 12th Biennial Meeting International Gynecologic Cancer Society, 25-28 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
49. Lanceley, A. Eagle, Z. Ogden, G. Gessler, S. Razvi, K. Ledermann, J. Side, L. Jacobs, I. Family history and women with ovarian cancer: Is it asked and does it matter? Oral presentation: UCL Institute for Women’s Health Annual Meeting 2009.
50. Gajjar K, Ogden G, Pandeva I, Keenan R, Azeem E, Razvi K. A survey of General Practitioners for reported symptoms of ovarian cancer, referral process, information access and awareness. 16th International Meeting of the European Society of the Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), Belgrade, Serbia 2009.
51. Pandeva I, Derpapas A, Malik F, Razvi K. Thromboprophylaxis Measures for reducing patient risk of venous thromboembolism in major gynaecological surgery. 16th International Meeting of the European Society of the Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), Belgrade, Serbia, 2009.
52. Wright H, Toneva F, Razvi K. Accuracy of frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumours. British Gynaecological Cancer Society Autumn Scientific Meeting, 18 Nov 2011.
53. Mukhopadhyay D, Cunnell A, Razvi K. Enhanced Recovery in Gynaecological Oncology: A prospective audit in Southend University Hospital. British Gynaecological Cancer Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Belfast 20-21 June 2013.
54. Mukhopadhyay D, Turner E, Boyle L, Razvi K, Liyanage S. Relevance of MRI to assess Adnexal masses: a 12 month experience at a Cancer Centre. British Gynaecological Cancer Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Belfast 20-21 June 2013.
55. Mukhopadhyay D, Ali Z, Peitsides P, Razvi K, Liyanage S. Practical Application of European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) Guidelines on Sonographically Indeterminate Adnexal masses. British Gynaecological Cancer Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Belfast 20-21 June 2013.
56. Shiraz A, Speed T, Razvi K. An audit of Colposcopy practice on Mild Dyskaryosis or Borderline Changes on cervical smear and the effectiveness of See & Treat versus Biopsy in a general hospital colposcopy service. 15th World Congress for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, London 26 – 30 May 2014.
57. Haptoglobin identified within ovarian cyst fluid as an accurate intraoperative diagnostic marker for epithelial ovarian cancer. Choolani M, Annamalai L, Lin L, Razvi K, Zhao C, Rice G, Mahyuddin A, Biswas A, Chan J, Biswas A. Clinical Cancer Research 21(16 Supplement):POSTER-CTRL-1211-POSTER-CTRL-1211 · August 2015.
58. Jullien Brady, Gemma Lowe, Adeyemi Ogunremi, Dianne Richardson, Eve Allen, Shahevan Sathiyathasan, Mohsen Hassan2, Khalil Razvi, Tracey Speed, Sharon Clarke, Martina Sunderland. Patient experience and reassurance after Dysis colposcopy. BSCCP 2016, 13 – 15 April 2016.
59. Bhagat N, Field A, Kolomainen D, Razvi K. An audit of the use of inferior vena cava (IVC) filters in a gynaecological-oncology centre in Essex, UK. Poster presentation at International Meeting of European Society of Gynaecological Oncology 2017. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer: November 2017; 27; S4
60. Field A, Bhagat N, Speed T, Razvi K. Treatment of High Grade Vaginal Intra-epithelial Neoplasia (VaIN): A retrospective case series. BJOG Suppl Mar 2018, MEP 5903. RCOG World Congress, Singapore 21 – 24 March, 2018.
61. Field A, Bhagat N, Speed T, Razvi K. Treatment and follow up of Low Grade Vaginal Intra-epithelial Neoplasia (VaIN): A retrospective case series. BJOG Suppl Mar 2018, MEP 5963. RCOG World Congress, Singapore 21 – 24 March, 2018.
62. Field A, Bhagat N, Speed T, Razvi K. Patient experience using Dysis digital colposcopy in a single centre setting. BJOG Suppl Mar 2018, MEP 6346. RCOG World Congress, Singapore 21 – 24 March, 2018.
63. Mahyuddin AP, Liu L, Zhao C, Kothandaraman N, Salto-Tellez M, Pang B, Lim D, Annamalai L, Chan J, Lim T, Biswas A, Rice G, Razvi K, Choolani M. Diagnostic accuracy of haptoglobin within ovarian cyst fluid as a potential point-of-care test for epithelial ovarian cancer: an observational study. BJOG Suppl Mar 2018, MEP 7330. RCOG World Congress, Singapore 21 – 24 March, 2018.
- Choolani M, Razvi K, Annalamai L, Biswas A, Zhao CQ. Diagnostic Biomolecules Inventors. Singapore Patent No. 200605961-2 (2006). EU Patent granted 2010.
This patent refers to the development of a rapid assay for intra-operative diagnosis of ovarian malignancy.
- Choolani M, Ho SSY, Razvi K, Biswas A. FastFish: Improved Technique for Fluoresence In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) on uncultured Amniotic Fluid Cells that Allows Reporting within 2 Hours of Amniocentesis. Singapore Patent Application No: 200601942-6 (2006).
This patent refers to a rapid diagnostic test on amniotic fluid for the diagnosis of chromosomal anomalies. This test allows for same day diagnosis of Downs Syndrome after amniocentesis.