Mr Razvi has wide experience in the management of various gynaecological conditions, both minor and major. With his cancer training background, he offers management for all gynaecological cancers as well as complex benign surgery, for example severe endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis and adhesions. He works closely with surgical colleagues in colo-rectal surgery and urologists where appropriate. He performs hysterectomy (including keyhole surgery and vaginal hysterectomy) for benign conditions, cancer as well as prolapse surgery with pelvic repair. Mr Razvi offers his expertise for various gynaecoloigcal conditions requiring minor surgeries like hysteroscopy, endometrial ablation and laparoscopies. As a senior colposcopist, he offers medical expertise in the management of abnormal cervical smears, CIN, vaginal and vulval conditions. He is trained in laser surgery for treatment of skin conditions of the genital tract. He also advises women who have a family history of gynaecological and breast cancers and offers surveillance for women with an increased risk for ovarian and other cancers.

- Keyhole surgery for various conditions
- Colposcopy, LLETZ
- Hysteroscopy
- Hysteroscopy removal of fibroids/polyps
- Mirena and Copper Coils
- Surgical treatment of prolapse
- Endometrial Ablations
- Laser treatments for warts and other vaginal / vulval skin conditions
- Hysterectomy (abdominal / keyhole / vaginal)
- Removal of ovaries and ovarian cysts and fallopian tube disorders
- Management of adhesions
- Major surgery for gynaecological cancers
- Screening for cancers
- Treatments for benign conditions e.g. Endometriosis and Fibroids